Reno / Carson, Nevada 2013

Reno / Carson, Nevada 2013

  Now back in the State of Nevada to fly the banner Jesus Christ and to preach the glorious gospel. Arriving Monday it was not long until I heard mockery, scorn and contempt towards the Lord Jesus Christ. This attitude would be expressed though out the week at least in Reno. 

  Tuesday I was made welcome at Sierra Bible Church and was blessed to be there for the week.  However the first night my phone was stolen while it was attached to my laptop and I was within 2 feet of it!   Wednesday evening I had a new phone and I guess I will end this topic now.

  Thursday I scouted for places to preach.  That night I was so aware how four days here were gone and it did not settle well with me.  I prayed that God would bless me to finish the week well. 

  Friday evening I was blessed to meet up with Gary, Gary Jr. and Elizabeth in downtown Reno.  Praise God!  They handed out tracts and provided encouragement as I preached the gospel outside the casinos. We had a great time and I was so blessed to meet them.

Along the trail to the summit of Mt. Rose.

Along the trail to the summit of Mt. Rose.

  Saturday I drove to the capitol which is the City of Carson.  There was an event where the streets where blocked of for several blocks to raise awareness of domestic violence.  Over one hundred different restaurants and vendors participated.  There were about 5 bands scattered about and one little street preacher in the midst of it all.  Having arrived early I secured permission from the event coordinator on a great place to park and I did.  Well, that lasted for about 15 minutes when the golf cart stopped and the coordinator asked, “Is that your yellow truck?”

When I answered she said, “You will have to move it because we don’t allow any advertising at this event.”  I thought really? No advertising? Maybe it’s no JESUS?  Thinking about the theme raising awareness to prevent domestic violence what better promotion than the Gospel!  No matter I politely complied and found a place just across the same intersection open to public parking. Praise God!  One more thing I thought to be contradictory was how alcohol beverages were abundantly available.  I’m pretty sure alcohol use is close, if not the leading cause of domestic violence.  Right?  Well I could almost hear my Pastor Randy Hahn saying, “David you didn’t come here to win a debate but to share the gospel so move on.”   So I walked around surveying the layout and praying that the Holy Spirit would direct where I was to preach and to grant the courage to do so.  Along the way I met a few police officers, deputy sheriffs and later the Sheriff.  God granted me favor with them. Hallelujah!   Beginning about 7pm I set the public address system on the roof of the truck and preached, broadcasting the gospel across the intersection where I had first set up just across the street.  This was great as there were no bands close by and this was in the center of it all.  Taking breaks I continued until about 8:30, packed up and drove to Reno. 

Sunday morning I attended worship service with the brethren of Sierra Bible Church.  The service was held in the park in Downtown Reno.  The service was great and the weather too. Thanks Pastor David and Brother Terry.  Later, I set out to explore something I had seen afar off all week, Mount Rose Summit.  The drive itself was an adventure with the incline and curves along the way.  I thought I could drive to the summit but there was yet a hike ahead of me.  I spoke with a young man who had just returned, I noticed he had sunscreen on and was diligently wiping down with rubbing alcohol.  Ron was glad to answer my questions and point me in the right direction.  He told of the pace needed in order to get where I wanted to go and to get back before dark.  When I thanked him he replied, “You’re welcome and good luck.”   It was the, “good luck” that struck a chord in me.  What had he meant saying, “Good luck”?  Was it my frame, age or what?  Just to be clear I no longer believe in luck but in the sovereignty of God and using common sense.  But I sure my friend Ron meant well.  It was not long before I began to understand Ron’s actions and words because the trails entry was small, the way narrow and a bit treacherous which lead to the summit!  Did you notice any correlation to scripture in that description? Here’s a hint; it took faith to enter and to continue all the way to the heights. And the scripture is; “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:14)  Not only did it take faith but it took some work to get there as well. Here I go again with another reference to scripture; “for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:26)   Now more of the story:  Along the way the sights were breath taking.  Like the wildflowers, the evergreen’s needles, the mixture of colors, green meadows, blue water, white snow, rock structures and the sun.  Then there were the elements like the wind, snow, in places loose footing and being apart from mankind in raw nature.  This is the best I can do to describe the journey which left me awestruck with God’s creation. I wondered what the earth looked like before sin entered the world!  Then, what will the new heaven and new earth be like?  This reminded me of: “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

  Wow how time flies when you are having fun.  Now in every direction there were sights to behold.   Green pastures, still waters, valleys, shadows, more colors than rainbows, mountain peaks, Lake Tahoe and the sun.  Then the journey climaxed in praise and worship for all the great things that God has done and has promised to do!  In other words it was time to; “Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere that Jesus Christ is Lord.” And “What great things God has done!” Surely, God knows what all the noise and jumping was about and I was blessed to know more of the Joy of the Lord!  Hallelujah!  Amen.

The Joy of the Lord!

The Joy of the Lord!

  Just as night fall came, I made it to the truck and laughed as I saw it sitting alone in the large parking lot.  The run down the mountain had me sitting on the edge of my seat.  The gas mileage was great as I coasted in neutral for more than 11 miles having to brake often. 

What a way to end the week or any week for that matter.  This one in Reno and Carson started somewhat rough and slow but the Lord was and is always with me.  God blessed me to preach the gospel in both cities, I met more dear family members and O’ the mountain top experience!  Praise God! Amen.

   To my beloved Brethren,

  Though I have not made an earnest effort to contact, to thank nor to ask how I may serve you; I do love you, I do thank God for you, I do what to serve you in any way I may and I do hope to rejoice together with you in the Lord!

  May each of you grow in the faith and in the graces of our Lord JESUS Christ!  To God be the Glory great things He has done, He gave us our life when He gave us His Son!!!  

  Until about this time next week and God willing I hope to write to you again.   Agape, David