Tacoma, Washington 2013

Tacoma, Washington 2013

  After a quiet week in Olympia I was ready to amp it up a bit.  That is to herald the glorious gospel and to publically confess Jesus Christ has come into the world to save sinners!  But before I could do that I needed to get settled in Tacoma.   After the short drive from Olympia I arrived a Faith Baptist Church and met Pastor Mark Smith who welcomed me as family and provided a great place to call home.  While getting familiar with the layout of the church property I saw something that had me trying to hold back tears.  Here’s what I saw:

Colating the Word@ Faith Baptist Church Tacoma, WA

Bible Production Line @ Faith Baptist Church Tacoma, WA

   These dear brothers and sisters were diligently at work making; New Testament Bibles with discipleship program included.  This particular shipment is going to Honduras.  O’ I almost forgot to mention that the number of Bibles in the shipment is 86,800! Praise God!  Talk about impacting the world for Christ.  I’m so humbled and encouraged to see God’s people who are behind the scenes laboring for souls.  I thank the Lord for blessing me to see this because from time to time I get a little discouraged but the Lord has a remnant zealous for Him.  Hallelujah!

Bible production crew @ Faith Baptist Church Tacoma, WA

Bible production crew @ Faith Baptist Church Tacoma, WA

 Wednesday, while searching the week’s local events I discovered that the friends I met in Los Angeles with the sign ministry were in town and will be in Seattle throughout my time here.  Praise God!  I met up with Jason’s team on the streets and later I enjoyed dinner with them.  It was more like having a family reunion.

Jason and team headed for Century Link Arena Seattle, WA

Jason and team headed for Century Link Arena Seattle, WA

   Thursday morning I was blessed when I had the pleasure to join Elly McMashehu, Joanna Rust, Nathan and others to minister outside the Planned Parenthood in downtown Tacoma.  I was taken by the dedication of these believers who cry out for the unborn and calling men and woman to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.  This was the first outreach like this for me and now I bear another burden of the Lord’s for the unborn babies.  Elly and Joanna thank you for your dedication, for inviting me and know that you are an encouragement to me even now.  I hope to join others in towns I visit to support them and to cry out for the unborn.


My friend Elly crying out for the unborn. Please won't you take a stand against the killing of babies?

My friend Elly crying out for the unborn. Please won’t you take a stand against the killing of babies?

Saturday I met up with Jason at Century Link Arena a couple of hours before the soccer game started.  Jason and the crew strategically posted in high traffic areas handing out gospel tracts and lifted up the Word for all to see. Where I was able to open-air preach compelling men to repent and trust Christ alone for salvation. 

Then Sunday after enjoying Worship at Faith Baptist I met up with part of Jason’s team again.  This time it was along the waterfront where hundreds strolled the boardwalk.  Again, the Word was lifted up before men, tracts distributed and the gospel preached to hundreds.   

  There are many other things I could write but I’m eager to go. The ministry opportunities are abundant, co laborers here and others are on the way to join in preaching the gospel.  Praise God! 

So many people with so little time to be saved. (Seattle Market

So many people with so little time to be saved. (Seattle Market)

 Please pray for those in Seattle who see, read and hear the proclamation of the gospel will be saved. Pray the Christians we encounter will be encouraged and moved to actively share the gospel.  Pray for all the brethren; safety, health, provision and courage to redeem the time as to honor the Lord in everything that’s done here.  Amen.

  God bless you my dear friend’s and thank you for everything you do for the Lord.

                                                          Agape,  David