Florence, South Carolina

Here’s a little about my week in Florence,

  I arrived 11-2-2014 just in time for the evening service at Faith Baptist Tabernacle and the Lord provided a great place for me to park for the week.  Florence is a small city, not so much going on and no large venues.  But during the week I had many good 1 on 1 gospel conversations.  It’s always nice having dialoged with unbelievers whose attitudes are say reasonable.  As in they ask sensible questions.  It’s all good until you get to the point of commitment!  Brakes start screeching, fortified walls spring up…  It’s as if the same person is not there but they are.  This is when I’m glad they have taken a gospel tract and thank them for taking the time to talk.  Okay, I added emphases here and there and they all do not go so far south.


   During the week God blessed me through many believers I met.  I love hearing testimonies and encouraging one another in the word.  On a couple of occasions this week in meeting someone in a parking lot and another inside a retail store the Praising of God, Declaration of Christ Work on The Cross, The Imperative to Repent, Trust Christ Alone or You will Perish happened spontaneously!   I love this every time and it only takes a spark to start the flame.  A song about Jesus was playing in the Salvation Army store and another time; Holy, Holy, Holy was playing in the Life-Way Store.  Later someone said; Praise the Lord in the Walmart Parking Lot. I love it every time, I mean; I really love it every time this happens. 

    On Friday I went to the intersection founded earlier in the week; pulled in, backed up to the corner, hooked up and preached.  That’s until the nice policeman informed me; I needed to have permission from the landowner and because of the noise ordinance I would have to lower the volume. So, I packed up and thanked God that, the gospel went out in all directions during rush hour. 

Here’s a video clip http://youtu.be/NtiT57xvcB8

  The week finished quietly and prior to leaving I was once again blessed to fellowship at Faith Baptist Temple. 

   One more thing to mention:  Yesterday November 9th marked the 8th anniversary of the greatest event in my entire lifetime and unless the Lord comes before I die in the body I expect no event could top it.  With that said, I hope to write and share the story with you.

  Dear Brethren, I hope to find that you are all the more dedicated in the cooperative work between The Holy Spirit and Your selves growing in Holiness, that you may present Your Bodies to God as a living sacrifice which is your reasonable service to God.  I hear many people say, “The Lord has my heart” or “I gave my heart to the Lord a long time ago” and that’s where they stop.  Brethren, we cannot separate our Heart from our body.  Besides who can serve God or God’s people with just the Heart?  No one can!  God demands, that we present our body’s Holy and blameless as a living sacrifice. We are all commanded by God to give our self to finishing the work that The Lord Jesus Christ inaugurated.  Each one of God’s children has been equipped by the Holy Spirit to engage their “Body” in the ongoing work of The Great Commission!  

  Let us encourage each other while it is day and may we be found by our Master as good and faithful stewards.  

                                                                                       Agape,  David

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