Moline/Rock Island, Illinois Stop #8 of 200

Wow! The journey continues as I’m close to completing the 8th stop of 200 with this one ending Monday 6-7-2010.

On 5-31-2010 I left Chicago with no regrets. I will miss my newly found family members but I did not have to say goodbye but rather until we meet again. As I traveled on Monday I happened on a very interesting site at the Petro Truck Stop in Rochelle, IL. That was a Tractor Trailer that has been converted into a chapel and is open 24/7. Hey that’s pretty cool. It at least made me feel a little bit better about being radical. Please don’t get me wrong because I know for sure that I was made by GOD to be just that RADICAL and even though it may not look like it at times it is very challenging. I thank GOD that HE is providing for me all the way. So it is that I have no regrets and much hope for what is to come now and in the future as I strive to answer HIS call.

So on to Moline, Illionois. On Tuesday I went to the mall and over the speaker I heard, David Banton come to the mall office. Or did I hear right was my thought. So I went to the mall office and was told that I needed to report to my vehicle. So I did and upon arrival I was greeted by mall security and was told that I had to take the Cross off my truck or leave. First of all thats not going to happen. So after about 15 minutes of respectfully and delicate discussion I was granted permission to park at the mall that day and any day for the next 6 days that I may want to come back. This with the stipulation presented but not agreed to that I would not talk about JESUS while at the mall. I know what you must be thinking. What about Constitutional Rights and all. Exactly my thoughts, its just that I’ve learned to hold my tongue as to be as the Bible says, “we are to be as wise as serpents and as gental as doves”. Make no mistake about it as I will take a direct stand for the rights that generations have fought for in this country.

Set up downtown in Rock Island, Illinois

Later on tuesday a young man approached me while I was sitting in my truck outside of the Walmart. Wow what a pleasent surpise as he was one of 6 evangelist from Wisconsin. They were in town at Grace Baptist Church for the express purpose of training others in instructing youth to share the gospel. So thats how I came to be invited to participate in fellowship and then to go with them in the evenings door to door and then we went into the streets to preach. The wisdom and the dedication that these young adults displayed was truely inspiring to me.

Baptist Evangelist Team from Wisconsin

Oh and for the first time in this journey Two things happened; The gospel was preached from the back of The Jesus Truck and many were fed at the same time. (See picture).

Preaching & Feeding from the, "JESUS" Truck!

I also had the honor or spending time with Pastor Chris of Grace Baptist Church who actually took to the streets going door to door in an effort to lead others to JESUS. Much I learned from him and members of Grace Baptist Church. Now I know better the value of whats called; Evangelical Church. I think all churchs should place such an emphasis on evangelism for the sake of winning souls many times over increasing the membership numbers. (Ouch).

I now make mention of a couple local businesses that have blessed me here;
The staff at Starbucks, Denny’s and Family Christian Book Store (Especially Kristi who gave sacrificially and invited me to Saturday and Sunday Services at Edgewood Baptist Church).

Saturday service was remarkedly special as to the praise and worship was awesome and the message was about being bold for JESUS! Anyone who knows much of me will know that I would appreciate this service. Oh and the average age of those attending was about 21years old.

Sunday service proved to be just as special so I say that if you happen to be near Moline, Illinois stop and pay a visit at either or both Grace Baptist Church in Moline, and Edgewood Baptist Church in Rock Island, Illinois.

In closing, I have been made welcome by many in the towns of Moline and Rock Island. As I reflect on many of the things that I have expierenced in the State of Illinois, I would not trade them as I have no regrets. The hard occurrences and blessings alike have made me better able to demonstrate the Love of Jesus and this to iinclude how to stand strong in spiritual warfare.

Please that I may encourage you with the passage from Zec. 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. So it is that we depend on the Lord everyday and in doing so we still will be ehausted at times.
So then another passage comes to mind, Matt. 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

So now, God willing I move on to the State of Iowa and will be updating you all about next week at this time.

Thank you all for your prayers as I believe that because of them I have recieved from God the strength to continue on. We go together on this journey, sharing JESUS with many, all to the Glory of GOD!!!

Agape, david

Contact Email:

For Ministry Information, Call Kris @ (502) 594-0451

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