Gautier, Mississippi 2012

Gautier, Mississippi 2012

  Who would have thought that I’d spend Christmas here? Not me! I never even heard of Gautier. I arrived on Christmas Eve knowing and decided to take the ministry trailer to Wal-Mart. The plan was to play Christmas music in the parking lot until they closed at 8:00pm. When I arrived the place was packed and I was excited about the possibilities. Then I went inside and asked the manager’s permission. Well, so much for my brilliance. What happened to go and just do it? I’ve had the boldness in the past and it worked the vast majority of times. Of course on occasion I’ve been approached and asked to close up shop and I have. The good news is that I parked against the building between the two front doors and the graphics were at work until closing time. I Praise God for that as it may have been more effective than what I had in mind.

  As for Christmas Day it was very quiet. Later in the evening there was excitement as the sky darkened and tornadoes came nearby. Here’s  a short video of the excitement I wrote about and Merry Christmas 2012!

  I set up home base at Crossroads Church of the Nazarene. The week was the most uneventful to date. I did not see anyone at the church until Sunday morning. But I was sure glad to see them then.

  During the week in Gautier on three separate occasions, I met Police Officers! Who approached to me and it was not long before I found out they were Christians. Basically I was told, to have at it in this town. Looking back I laugh at how I could say of Gautier, “the force was with me.” (hint: Star Wars, “may the force be with you”) The week did end well; I was blessed to attend evening worship service at Jesus Christ Baptist Church!

Jesus came into the World to Save Sinners!

On the 3rd day the Son arose!

  This post is pretty short: the weeks pace was slow and the way a little lonely. Maybe next Christmas I will be with hometown family and friends. Notice I did not write, “I will be Home.” That’s because my home is with the Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord that He is always with me!

  Once again, I sincerely thank all of you for the various ways you support me in the Lords work. I pray that we all would take into account how we use the gift of time. Considering that God, has granted to each of us a specific window. The bookends: our first breath and our last breath. As time passes it cannot be regained. Right now, is the only time that we know we have? So let us redeem the time, living to honor the One who died for us and then Rose again. Amen.

 Until next week God willing I may write to you again.  

          Agape, David

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