Huntsville, Alabama 2012

Huntsville, Alabama 2012

  The week in Huntsville was quit unique.  But before I go into that, God blessed me with a great place to call home base, parking, electricity and amenities. (Whitesburg Baptist Church)

  The non-responsiveness to the cross and its message is what I meant about Huntsville being unique.  Throughout the week as I moved in and around town flying the banner of Christ the atmosphere was still.  I do not recall one person excited about the “Jesus truck”.    This scripture came to mind; “And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.” (Matt 13:58)  I’m not inferring this is the case but simply that this scripture came to mind.

  As a result I spent more time in the Word and in prayer.  It very well could be that this was the Lords will for me here.


Because of the Fall, Jesus went to the Cross!


Now, that I may boast in God’s goodness towards me here:

I think it was Wednesday when I found a worn five dollar bill under the wiper blade of the “Jesus truck”.  God knows who left it and He knows how much that meant to me. (Someone was excited!)

It was Saturday about 9:30pm when I received this message posted to this website:  

   My husband and I got behind you in a parking lot while we were having our “date night” in Huntsville, AL.  We actually live in Scottsboro, which is about an hour drive from Huntsville.  We curiously made note of the website on your truck and logged in as soon as we go home.  What you are doing is awesome and inspiring.  We will be praying for you on your journey and will be keeping tabs on this website.  God-speed and God Bless!

Wow, what a Gift from the Lord!  Thanks, Amy.

  Sunday morning at Whitesburg Baptist Church I heard the most inspiring message preached by Senior Pastor Jimmy Jackson.   He declared that the proclamation gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was as urgent today as it ever.  He also spoke of the cost that’s being incurred by dear saints around the world today.  This was accompanied by a warning for us in America.  

Sunday evening it happened again at Whitesburg and the message was preached by Associate Pastor Greg Corbin. 

This is the link to so you view sermons on YouTube:

  I was so filled by the Word and encouraged or well fed and amped up, that I don’t know what anyone could have done with me?  Maybe that’s like saying; “I was beside myself”?

Amped and ready for Lift-off!

Monday morning I went to get a cup of coffee before I headed off to the next stop.   While at Panera Bread the Holy Spirit lead me to speak words of encouragement to someone and this is how I met Brother Michael.  God did it again, it’s incredible that when I obey His prompting how God’s blessing becomes circular.  What I’m trying to say is; I went to encourage and was encouraged in such an incredible way that it seems that God placed Brother Michael there to bless me.  We spent more than two hours going deeper into the function of the Bride of Christ and the Lords return.  Praise God!  Amen.

There’s one very interesting note I want to share with you.  I will need to take you back to last June when I was in Madison, Wisconsin.  You may recall that is where possibly the most unrealistic church experience occurred.  I had arrived Sunday evening during the holiday weekend and the church offices were closed Monday.  I wrote that Tuesday morning I arrived before the staff at First Baptist Church of Madison.  So I decided to unhook the ministry trailer, parked it in the rear corner of the church parking lot and went to get a cup of coffee.  Then when I returned the trailer had been towed.  Okay, this next part I did not write in my post but you will see why I mention it now.  When I initially pulled into the parking lot, I noticed the mileage of my truck was 66,666 miles and reasoned that it would be superstitious to think anything of it.    Now to make my point:    

 When I got into my truck Sunday night after the evening service I noticed the mileage on my truck: 77,777 miles!  I thought you’ve got to be kidding!  That’s crazy!  Okay Lord that’s so cool!   I don’t know any other way to process that except that it was from the Lord.  Thinking about the email message Saturday night, then both services Sunday and the encounter Monday morning:  “In an arid place God sent Rain!” 

Praise God for His Love, Faithfulness and Devotion!!!

 To all the brethren,

Thank you for your prayers and every support.  They are as rain to me as I continue answering His Call.  

Please join me in rejoicing and saying with a loud voice “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom. And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev.5:12)

                                                                             Agape, David

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