Memphis, Tennessee 2012

Memphis, TN 2012

  The City of Memphis completes the tour through the State of Tennessee.  Memphis held true to form as; Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville.  Tennessee has a Christian presence that is remarkable as compared to my experience through 13 of the 50 states.

  Arriving Monday afternoon I soon found a place to call home base for the week; Ridgeway Baptist Church. There I met Brother Seth who God used to bless me throughout the week. Monday evening while downtown, I stopped at the Memphis Rescue Missions and attended evening service.   It was good to see men doing the work of the Lord there. 

  Tuesday afternoon at Panera Bread I met Michelle because of the Cross.  She had to tell me how much the Cross meant to her.  You may know how that is “music to my ears”.  Michelle bought lunch for me and went back to work.  Later, I went to get something from the ministry trailer and there I met Brother Kevin.  Kevin was waiting to meet me hoping we could go evangelizing together. Wow, how cool was that!  Oh and by this time I had been invited to dinner Wednesday at Seth’s home.

  Wednesday afternoon Kevin and I took to the streets to share Jesus and what a joy, though the time flew.  Then off to Seth’s for dinner and fellowship. Seated at this table were 7 ordinary people having 1 extraordinary desire: To follow the Lamb wherever He leads and to be the Living Church of the Bible. Praise God!  Amen.  The fellowship around the dinner table went on for about 9 hours.  The fragrance of Christ abounded as testimonies were shared and the Word opened.

  Thursday was a short one, none the less the gospel went forth and it was a great day.

The Tree of Life!

  Brother Kevin introduced me to Fat Friday.  Kevin and one of his friends started this as they would adhere to a strict diet all week and then on Friday they would have lunch at the best place they knew.  Kevin bought lunch at a Mexican restaurant that had made their list. The food was great and the fellowship sweet.  Thanks Kevin.   

  Saturday it was all out which included going downtown to Beale Street from 5pm until 12:30 am.  Beale Street is closed off for two blocks to through traffic.  This is where people come to have a good time.  Parking is extremely limited around the perimeter but wouldn’t know The Lord provided a great spot. I really got excited when about a block away I saw a man walking down the middle of Beale Street carrying a Cross!  It did not take long for me to catch up with Him though it took a few moments to catch my breath.  There with him was his family and a few friends. They were handing out tracts and engaging one on one sharing the gospel. We had a time of it together and saw the Holy Spirit at work!  Soon we said goodbye and I went back to my post (the truck).  I slowed down for a while at least until reinforcements arrived.  Two of Seth’s friends whom I had met Wednesday Nick and Charlie arrived about 10:30pm.  We finished about 12:30 am.

  Sunday morning came fast and the Service at Ridgeway Baptist Church was great.  The pastor invited me to share at the 6pm service.  The day ended much the same as it started with great preaching.

America Return to Christ!


  What a way to finish in Tennessee! Remember the week before in Nashville; Brother Kris drove from Louisville to join me for a couple of days and it was hard to say goodbye?  This week God blessed me with co laborers and sweet fellowship.  Thanks Seth, Ricky, Nick, Kevin and all who where a blessing to me!

  Although I did not go into great detail, I believe this week may have been one of the most active to date.   The banner of Jesus Christ was flown throughout and around Memphis, many were engaged one on one and the gospel was abundantly sown.  Confident that God will give the increase and we may see the fruit of my/our labor.  Thanks to each one that God has used to encourage, teach, pray and provide for me along;   The Journey 50 States One True Story JESUS!

Agape, David

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